“Better than first class prostitutes..’ ?

By Syed Akbar Ali

Last nite after a very long time I ‘surfed’ the TV Channels on Astro to watch some of the local stations. I caught a drama called ‘Jemaah Kolesterol’ for a while. I tell you friends, its “Club of Doom“. Ya Rabbi, Nauzubillah punyalah dunggu punya script dengan bangang punya cerita. Pasal hantu, sampuk and all kinds of crap.

So I skipped stations. There was another drama ‘universiti berhantu’. I skipped again and came to ’Gua’ something. I skipped again and hit TV Hijrah which showed Raihan the nasyid group. A retired senior journalist once told me that if you want to get ulcers you can watch some of these local programs on TV. What is happening to our people? Dah mati akal dah.

Two days ago a friend emailed me the story about the obedient wives club. I thought it was just too stupid to even comment about. But it has made it to the papers two days in a row. Just when you thought these folks have hit the bottom, they can dig a hole at the bottom and sink even further into the pit. The foolish thinking behind this club is unbelievable.

Some clever beggar has brainwashed these women into believing that their entry into heaven is dependent on them being perpetual wind up toys for their husbands pleasure. All the husband has to do is wind them up and they are ready to “perform“ like circus animals. According to The Star "they want to be better than first class prostitutes".

Imagine these conversations :

Why do you want to join this club? I like to collect stamps.
Why do you want to join this club? I like gardening.
Why do you want to join this club ? I want to perform better than a first class prostitute ! !

I have said this before - the religious people always seem to have sex on their mind. They are constantly talking about women, women’s attire, women’s aurat, about sex, about kahwin misyar (travellers temporary marriage aka prostitution), kahwin mutaah (temporary marriage aka prostitution), marrying underaged girls, polygamy and now wives whose test of obedience is that they must be ‘better than first class prostitutes’. Fuiyyo!!

They seem just too pre occupied with sex related issues. And of course they are also habitual liars. These two things - sex and telling lies - is at the top of their agenda. Is it any wonder that they are in the Club of Doom?

Here is the news from The Star :

  • Obedient Wives Club to offer sex lessons
  • RAWANG: Sex lessons to help wives “serve their husbands better than a first-class prostitute” will be among the classes provided by the Obedient Wives Club (OWC)
  • ... said it was time sexual prowess took a front seat in marriage
  • “A good or religious wife should also be good in bed,”
  • a husband who was kept happy in the bedroom would have no reason to stray, seek out prostitutes or indulge in other social vices.
  • “..we can curb social ills like prostitution, domestic violence, human trafficking and abandoned babies,” she said, adding that she believed these problems stemmed from unfulfilled sexual needs at home.
And Saturday’s news report said :

  • PETALING JAYA: ..Its spokesman .. said many social ills were caused by disobedient wives who did not bring joy to their husbands.
  • “Wives should welcome them with sexy clothes and alluring smiles in the privacy of their homes,” she said.
  • On whether it was the wife’s fault if she was abused, : “Yes, most probably because she didn’t listen to her husband.”
So dress in sexy clothes, put on alluring smiles and perform better than first class prostitutes - that is how you get to heaven.

But doesn’t that confuse the situation? Doesn’t that blur things up? Doesn’t that create a grey area? I mean if you dress sexily, wear alluring smiles and perform better than first class prostitutes, what does that make you?

Anyway to all our non Muslim readers, and Muslim readers as well - all this crap is just not in the Quran ok. These are just the wild imaginations of the sex crazy, sex craved, sex hungry, sex starved and sex maniac type religious folks.

Here is something from the Quran :

[30:21] Among His Signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility and contentment with each other, and He placed in your hearts love and care towards your spouses. In this, there are sufficient signs for people who think.

Unfortunately this is only true for people who think with what is between their ears. If you think using what is between any other parts of your body, then you can go and join the OBC.

note : dah memang semua isteri kena ta'at/patuh pada suami, kena nak bukak CLUB ke???
cerdik sangat yang punya idea ni, malaysia ni memang kelakar....semua boleh jadi...malaysia boleh..!!!


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